Our Story

Hello! Welcome to Bees and Wheat Silver Co.
My name is Atina and I’m delighted to be sharing my silversmithing journey with you. 🐝 🌾

I have always been a creative person, and with the support of my four amazing parents, I got my art degree from Oregon State University. Afterwards, I went on to get my culinary certificate in patisserie and baking. I love baking, and still make all kinds of wonderful treats for family and friends. But, with three small children, I had to find something more that I could do at home to keep myself artistically busy. Thus Bees and Wheat Silver Co was born.

The name Bees and Wheat holds a special place in my heart. It symbolizes my beautiful Mom who passed away in 2017 and my amazing Stepdad who has always been one of my biggest supporters.

My stepdad used to buy my mom amazing western silver jewelry. I remember thinking how beautiful my mom looked in it when we would all go out. Bees symbolize my mom in our family. It has become a “thing” that we all think of her when we see them.
Wheat has always reminded me of my Stepdad. I have many fond memories of my sister and I hauling hay with him. On our way home, as we were passing wheat fields, he would pull over to check the ropes on our load and my sister and I would get out and each pick a stalk of wheat to eat the grains on the way home. It became a fun thing we would do even when we weren’t hauling hay. Since then wheat has represented my Stepdad and those beautiful childhood memories.

That is how the name Bees and Wheat was born. It’s dedicated to my late mom, and my stepdad who is always rooting for me.